
Hartigan (1972) discusses the direct clustering of a matrix of data into homogeneous blocks. He introduces a stepwise divisive method for block clustering within a certain class of block structures which induce clustering trees for both row and column margins. While this class of structures is appealing, the stopping criterion for his method, which is based on asymptotic theory and the assumption that the individual elements of the data matrix are normally distributed, is quite restrictive. In this paper we propose a permutation-based algorithm for block clustering within the same class of block structures. By using permutation arguments to decide where to split and when to stop, our algorithm becomes applicable in a wide variety of cases, including matrices of categorical data and matrices of small-to-moderate size. In addition, our algorithm offers considerable flexibility in how block homogeneity is defined. The algorithm is studied in a series of simulation experiments on matrices of known structure, and illustrated in examples drawn from the fields of taxonomy, political science, and data architecture.

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