
ABSTRACT YELVI EKA PUTRI, Bp: 2015422056, Department of Management, in 2015, Influence of product quality, price and Campaign Against Buying Decision Prepaid SIM Card XL (A Case Study of Faculty of Economics, University Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang under the guidance of Prof. Dr. H. Anoesyirwan Moiens, MM. Msi and Dr. Yulasmi, SE, MM. This study aims to determine how much Effect of Product Quality, Price and Promotion Against Buying Decision Prepaid SIM Card XL, this data collection method is to circulate a questionnaire with a sample of 100. The analytical method used is multiple regression analysis. The results obtained with the equation Y = 18,323+0,434X1-0,134X2+0,263X3+e: (a) Quality Products has an influence on purchasing decisions by 0.434. Then the product quality has a positive and significant influence. (b) Price has an influence on purchasing decisions by 0.134. Then the price has a positive and significant influence. (c) Promotion of 0.263 has an influence on purchasing decisions. Then promotion has a positive and significant influence. (d) Product Quality, Price and Promotion of 18,323 has an influence on purchasing decisions. Then jointly Product Quality, Price and Promotion has a positive and significant relationship. And based on test coefficient of determination (R2) shows that the percentage contribution of the variable quality of the product, price and promotion on purchasing decisions is 42.3% and the balance of 57.7% is influenced by other variables that are not included in this study. Results of the analysis obtained correlation R of 0.664 and R square of 0.441. This shows that there is a strong relationship between the quality of the product, price and promotion on purchase decisions. Finally the authors suggest Prime Card Prepaid XL is expected to increase quality product, price and promotion. Keywords: Decision Purchasing, Quality Product, Price, Promotion

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