
Power amplifiers in modern wireless systems must meet increasingly stringent spectral constraints while still operating with high power efficiency. A new peak-search algorithm is demonstrated to find the Pareto optimum of power-added efficiency (PAE) while producing an adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR) value under a specified maximum. A peak-search is first performed for the maximum PAE, and then a small-step steepest descent walk in the ACPR is taken from the PAE maximum toward the ACPR minimum until ACPR requirements are met. This approach reasonably approximates the Pareto optimum for the device. Simulation and measurement data are presented for searches from multiple starting points, and good correspondence is obtained for the Pareto optimum reflection coefficient, as well as the optimum PAE and ACPR values. This measurement-based algorithm is expected to find useful application in real-time adaptive radio and radar transmitters, as well as in bench-top measurements for amplifier design.

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