
This paper investigates the application of a PCA–DEA model to assess the quality of life (QOL) scores in Estonian counties and analyses the model's results. The dataset is a balanced panel of 15 Estonian counties covering the period from 2000 to 2011. We consider a PCA–DEA model as an alternative method to estimate and predict QOL scores and rankings of Estonian counties. The method consists of a two-stage analysis that begins with a principal component analysis. In the second stage, the standard DEA is used. The results from the conventional DEA model and the PCA–DEA model are compared and discussed. A comparison of the methodologies demonstrates that a PCA–DEA model provides a powerful tool for performance ranking. The rankings of Estonian counties using QOL scores for different model specifications are presented. Finally, the QOL ranking of Estonian counties is revised using PCA–DEA.

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