
Technology analysis (TA) is an important issue in the management of technology. Most R&D (Research & Development) policies have depended on diverse TA results. Traditional TA results have been obtained through qualitative approaches such as the Delphi expert survey, scenario analysis, or technology road mapping. Although they are representative methods for TA, they are not stable because their results are dependent on the experts’ knowledge and subjective experience. To solve this problem, recently many studies on TA have been focused on quantitative approaches, such as patent analysis. A patent document has diverse information of developed technologies, and thus, patent is one form of objective data for TA. In addition, sustainable technology has been a big issue in the TA fields, because most companies have their technological competitiveness through the sustainable technology. Sustainable technology is a technology keeping the technological superiority of a company. So a country as well as a company should consider sustainable technology for technological competition and continuous economic growth. Also it is important to manage sustainable technology in a given technology domain. In this paper, we propose a new patent analysis approach based on statistical analysis for the management of sustainable technology (MOST). Our proposed methodology for the MOST is to extract a technological structure and relationship for knowing the sustainable technology. To do this, we develop a hierarchical diagram of technology for finding the causal relationships among technological keywords of a given domain. The aim of the paper is to select the sustainable technology and to create the hierarchical technology paths to sustainable technology for the MOST. This contributes to planning R&D strategy for the sustainability of a company. To show how the methodology can be applied to real problem, we perform a case study using retrieved patent documents related to telematics technology.


  • Technology analysis (TA) is an important task in technology management fields such as technological forecasting, innovation and transfer [1,2,3,4]

  • We propose a new patent analysis approach based on statistical analysis for sustainable technology management (STM)

  • To show how the methodology can be applied to real problem, we perform a case study using retrieved patent documents related to telematics technology from the patent databases of the world such as the U.S Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and WIPS Corporation [29,30,31]

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Technology analysis (TA) is an important task in technology management fields such as technological forecasting, innovation and transfer [1,2,3,4]. We carry out a patent analysis, but we use statistical methods; we build a hierarchical structure for understanding sustainable technology. We propose a new patent analysis approach based on statistical analysis for sustainable technology management (STM). SSttaattiissttiiccaall PPaatthh AAnnaallyyssiiss ffoorr HHiieerraarrcchhiiccaall DDiiaaggrraamm ooff TTeecchhnnoollooggyy

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