
In this comment, originally thought of as a “Letter to the Editor”, I want to address the opening question posed by David A. Hughes in the immediately preceding entry in this journal: “What is in the so-called COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’?” The views from under the microscope, ordinary light or electron scanning, all show undisclosed foreign objects that seem to activate themselves and aggregate into complexes that disrupt blood flow in all organ systems. With the spectral analysis using electron microscopy it is possible to determine the specific elements and relative quantities of the elements in those foreign entities. In this comment, I want to focus on the absence of certain elements that are universally present in the proteins of naturally occurring life forms from humans right down to bacteria and even the proteins formed from viruses. What is missing from the spectral analyses of the foreign elements in the main COVID-19 vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna for certain, and probably also missing from the other experimental products being widely distributed that are known to contain foreign aggregates of strange materials similar to those found in the Moderna and Pfizer injections, are the elements nitrogen and phosphorous. This is revealing because all natural DNA, RNA, and their protein products contain those missing elements. Nitrogen for protein synthesis and phosphorus for DNA, RNA, and energy transfer. Therefore, their absence from the foreign structures seen under many different microscopes in all of the COVID-19 so-called “vaccines” that have been examined, and also found in blood samples of persons injected with the Moderna and Pfizer concoctions, proves that these intentionally manufactured self-assembling components, built mainly from carbon-based materials used in computing and super-conductors, are connected with the avant-guard evolutionary theory and experimentation with what is known as XNA, Xeno (Greek for “foreign”), Nucleic Acid. Most of the relevant information is behind significant paywalls in esoteric journals specializing in this peculiar branch of highly theoretical and experimental chemistry. To leap to the bottom-line of my urgent comment on the Hughes’ paper, the edgy modified mRNA with N1-methylpseudouridine (Ψ) replacing the naturally occurring RNA nucleotide uridine (U) at least 728 times in each one of the 30 billion mRNA molecules in each of the Pfizer injections is an exmplary XNA. In this comment I want to explain why the inclusion of such an XNA may be the clue that leads to the unraveling of the already devastating and potentially exterminating impact of the ongoing COVID-19 experiment on the human race.

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