
We present a parametrized coupled-pair functional, optimized to describe molecular interactions (PCPF-MI). The method has the same computational cost as singles and doubles configuration interaction, is size extensive, and yields energies that are stationary with respect to variations in all of its excitation coefficients. This last property facilitates the construction of density matrices and the evaluation of one- and two-electron properties. For the S22, HSG, S66, and A24 databases of van der Waals dimers, PCPF-MI computations yield interaction energies with mean unsigned errors of 0.326, 0.149, 0.214, and 0.044 kcal mol(-1), respectively, relative to benchmark computations. PCPF-MI interaction energies consistently improve upon those obtained from several other coupled-pair methods, including the averaged coupled-pair functional (ACPF), the coupled electron-pair approximation [CEPA(n), n = 0,1,3], and averaged quadratic coupled cluster (AQCC). Optimal parameters for spin-component-scaled (SCS) variants of each of these methods are also presented. SCS-CEPA(0), SCS-CEPA(1), SCS-ACPF, and SCS-PCPF-MI all perform similarly, with average errors for the four databases of roughly 0.1 kcal mol(-1). The PCPF-MI method, without additional SCS parametrization, has an average error of 0.192 kcal mol(-1) over the four databases and, when compared to the SCS-parametrized coupled-pair methods, has the added benefit that the energy is stationary with respect to variations in all its excitation coefficients.

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