
In this paper, we employ the less is more approach to develop a Parallel Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) algorithm for the α-neighbor p-center problem (αNpCP) and the α-neighbor p-median problem (αNpMP). The αNpCP and the αNpMP are generalizations of the p-center (pCP) and p-median (pMP) problems, respectively. In the α-neighbor problems, one seeks to open p facilities and assign each of the n customers to their closest α ones. The objective is to minimize the maximum distance of a customer to its αth facility, in the case of the αNpCP, and the sum of the distances from each customer to their α nearest facilities, in the case of the αNpMP. Our VNS adapts simple but efficient algorithms and data structures from the pCP and pMP literature to the αNpCP and αNpMP context. We also introduce an updated objective function for the αNpCP, which adds more information to the solution cost and helps the VNS to escape from local optima. Several experimental tests show that our VNS outperforms more complex state-of-the-art algorithms. Regarding the αNpCP, on 120 instances derived from the OR-library set, our algorithm improved best-known solutions for 22, with an average improvement of 34.26%; the overall gap on the 120 instances is 6.18% in favor of our algorithm. Moreover, on 231 instances derived from the TSPLIB set, we improved the solutions for 115, with an average improvement of 5.30%, and an overall improvement gap of 2.47% for all 231 instances. Considering the αNpMP results, our heuristic obtained better results than a heuristic from literature in all 80 instances tested, finding optimal solutions in all these instances.

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