
Parallel mesh adaptation methods are developed to treat decomposed, mixed-element unstructured meshes comprised of any combination of basic element types. Emphasis is placed on developing conforming mesh modification methods that are solver-independent. Specificdevelopmentsincludetheimplementationofatreatmentforviscous,highaspectratio near wall tetrahedra, and cell subdivision methods for pyramids, prisms, and hexahedra. Rebalancingoftheadaptedgrid,andparticularlyissuesassociatedwithprocessorassignment of parent/child cell sets, is addressed. The new methods are demonstrated on decomposed, mixed-element meshes employing up to 64 processors. The resulting parallel adaptation package is a powerful, versatile tool for obtaining grid-converged, steady state results, and may readily be applied to other unstructured flow solvers.

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