
Combining marine and renewable energy technology is an eco-friendly technique to produce electricity. Solar panels are made to float on the surface of water, like in a dam or reservoir. Underwater lines deliver electricity to a transmission tower. A floating solar power plant comprises essential elements: the solar module, buoyancy system, and corrosion-resistant components. These anti-corrosion elements encompass vertical and horizontal frames, an inspection footrest, and a module mounting assembly. In addition to passing the drinking water test, the solar module should be lead-free, dust-proof, humidity-resistant, and resistant to the impacts of transient water jets. Polyethylene, used to build the buoyancy body, has a 2.5 times weight capacity. K-water's floating structure is created using magnesium alloy coating product. In comparison to ground mounted PV (GPV), FPV has a number of benefits that are addressed in this review. The influence of FSPP on water quality and aquatic life is where there is a significant study void. This review paper looks at the most recent FSPP research and analyzes its advantages, disadvantages, and prospects. In terms of different water bodies that can be employed, system effectiveness, worldwide potential, and possibility for integrating FSPP with other technologies, the evaluation sheds further light on FSPP. Key Words: Renewable energy, floating solar power Plant, floating Solar System, floating solar PV installations in the world. Conventional solar power plant (CSPP).

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