
The Lower Carboniferous Lydebrook Sandstone contains spores attributable to the NM and VF miospore Zones indicative of late Dinantian (Asbian-Brigantian) age. The overlying Brigantian limestones are succeeded by the Little Wenlock Basalt. Coal Measures, which yield spore assemblages assignable to the upper part of the SS Zone or the lower part of the RA Zone, Langsettian Stage of the Westphalian, unconformably overlie the Brigantian strata. The upper part of the late Wenlock Coalbrookdale Formation below the Lydebrook Sandstone can be assigned to the Cymatiosphaera pavimenta acritarch Zone. The data presented herein demonstrate the limitations of earlier lithostratigraphic correlations of Lower Carboniferous sand bodies in the region of the emergent Welsh London Brabant Massif. In the context of eustatic/tectonic controlled regional patterns of sedimentation, palynologically time constrained deposits of the platforms margins can be interpreted in respect of an evolving sequence of major eustatictectonic events.

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