
Petrographical and geochemical parameters of stalagmites from the B7 cave in Iserlohn–Letmathe (Northern Rhenish Massif, NW Germany) record Late- and postglacial climate changes (temperature and/or precipitation). Fabrics and microfacies of the stalagmite profiles lead to a differentiation of four hierarchies of rhythms. Clastic layers in the stalagmites are caused by flooding events and are time markers. Twenty-four TIMS Th/U-age-dates provide a time calibration of stalagmite growth phases. One stalagmite reveals an early growth period between 17.6 and 16.7 ka BP. Between 9.6 and 5.5 ka BP (Atlantic episode of the Holocene) the growth rate of the stalagmites was higher than before and after this time, with dominant light-porous microfacial laminae and high δ 18O and δ 13C values representing partly kinetic fractionation effects. This part of the Holocene is interpreted as a mainly warm episode with frequent interruptions of dripping. Within the past 4 ka the profiles with predominant dark compact facies reveal low isotopic values which may be interpreted as a temperature proxy record. The stalagmite records resemble records from an Irish stalagmite. Correlation with the Δ 14C record from European tree rings suggests that colder periods in the North Atlantic were accompanied by drier winters in central Europe.

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