
<p>In a geological CO<sub>2</sub> storage site, the main migration pathways in case of leakage would be compromised boreholes or gas permeable faults or fractures. In this work we propose a modeling workflow based on detailed field data acquired on a fault exposed in the Roman Valley Quarry (Majella Mountain, Italy), to simulate the three-dimensional migration of gas CO<sub>2</sub> in the fault zone. The numerical modeling is performed using the open-source multiphase flow simulator PFLOTRAN. This study provides a new methodology to characterize the hydraulic behavior of a fault including all its components, the core and the damage zone, capturing in detail the impact of the fault zone architecture to the migration of CO<sub>2</sub>. Simulation test results point out the robustness of the modeling approach, highlighting its strong predictive power, and show how most of the gas migrates through the high permeable footwall damage zone, where the injection occurs, whereas some of the gas also migrates through the hanging wall damage zone and the fault core. The buildup of gas pressure in the vicinity of the injection wells demonstrates the need of increasingly accurate modeling of the injection conditions to avoid possible faults reactivation and CO<sub>2</sub> leakage. While the technique presented here is applied to a case scenario on carbonate rocks, the proposed methodology can be extended to other geological scenarios, by the appropriate calibration of the geometric and petrophysical parameters of fractures and host rock, to understand the conditions under which faults can promote fluid flow from a reservoir and mitigate the risk of CO<sub>2 </sub>migration via faults.</p>

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