
To generate horizontal wind gusts in a classical wind tunnel, Wood, Breuer, and Neumann [A novel approach for artificially generating horizontal wind gusts based on a movable plate: The paddle,” J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 230, 105170 (2022)] developed a new wind gust generator denoted the “paddle.” The working principle relies on the partial blocking of the outlet of the wind tunnel nozzle by a plate that vertically moves into the free-stream. Based on laser-Doppler anemometer measurements of the velocity at only a few locations, the basic functionality of the device was proven. The objective of the present contribution is to numerically mimic the gust generator and the flow field induced by the paddle in the test section. Contrary to the single-point measurements, the three-dimensional time-resolved simulation delivers the entire flow field and thus allows to investigate all details of the generated gust. To describe the paddle motion, the immersed boundary method with a continuous and direct forcing approach is implemented into a finite-volume flow solver for large-eddy simulations. A uniform and a non-uniform distribution of the Lagrangian markers are investigated where the latter ensures that an excessive increase in the computational resources required can be avoided. The predictions allow to characterize the resulting flow features induced by the paddle in great detail. Furthermore, a comparison of the numerical and experimental results is carried out based on the time histories of the streamwise and vertical velocity components at certain positions showing a close agreement. Finally, the forces acting on the fluid by the moving paddle are evaluated.

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