
In their survey article on cyclic Steiner Quadruple Systems SQS(v) M. J. Grannel and T. S. Griggs advanced the conjecture (cf. [8, p. 412]) that their necessary condition for the existence of S-cyclic SQS(v) (cf. [7, p. 51]) is also sufficient. Some years prior to that E. Kohler [10] used a graph theoretical method to construct S-cyclic SQS(v). This method was extended in [17]-[20] and eventually used to reduce the conjecture of Grannel and Griggs to a number theoretic claim (cf. also [21], research problem 146). The main purpose of the present paper is to attack this claim. For the long intervals we have to distinguish four cases. The proof of cases I–III can be accomplished by a thorough study of how the multiples of a certain set belonging to the first column of a certain matrix (the elements of which are essentially the vertices of a graph corresponding to SQS(2p)) are distributed over the columns. The proof is by contradiction. Case IV is most difficult to treat and could only be dealt with by very deep lying means. We have to use an asymptotic formula on the number of lattice points (x,y) with xy ≡ 1 mod p (we speak of 1-points) in a rectangle and this formula shows that the 1-points are equidistributed. But even so our claim could not be proved for all intervals of admissible length. Intervals [a,b] with ^p—_m+1 <a <b < ^p−_m for some m and 3√4 p <b−a <p ^11−15 could not be covered. In the last section we discuss some conclusions which would follow from the non-existence of complete intervals.

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