
Since its discovery more than 85 years ago, ferritin has principally been known as an iron storage protein. However, new roles, beyond iron storage, are being uncovered. Novel processes involving ferritin such as ferritinophagy and ferroptosis and as a cellular iron delivery protein not only expand our thinking on the range of contributions of this protein but present an opportunity to target these pathways in cancers. The key question we focus on within this review is whether ferritin modulation represents a useful approach for treating cancers. We discussed novel functions and processes of this protein in cancers. We are not limiting this review to cell intrinsic modulation of ferritin in cancers, but also focus on its utility in the trojan horse approach in cancer therapeutics. The novel functions of ferritin as discussed herein realize the multiple roles of ferritin in cell biology that can be probed for therapeutic opportunities and further research.

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