
OCT4 is a highly conserved gene and plays an important role during early embryonic development and differentiation. Similar to human OCT4, mouse Oct4 gene generates variants. Oct4A is a master regulator of self-renewal in pluripotent stem cells. In this study, we have identified a novel Oct4 spliced variant, designated mouse Oct4B, encoding 3 isoforms, termed Oct4B-247aa, Oct4B-190aa and Oct4B-164aa. Furthermore, we have examined the expression pattern of these isoforms in non-pluripotent cells and their function in somatic cell reprogramming. The results revealed the isoforms 247aa, 164aa localized mainly in nucleus and 190aa expressed dotted in the cytoplasm. In contrast to Oct4A, Oct4B does not function in somatic reprogramming as that of Oct4A. Taken together, our data for first time described the intact coding sequence of mouse Oct4B and its function in somatic cell reprogramming. These findings will be important for further analysis of the epigenetic mechanisms of reprogramming and highlight the necessity of discriminating Oct4 isoforms in future stem cell research.

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