
Various techniques are described in the literature, either by crestal or lateral approach. Sinus augmentation has a high percentage of success, but presents a number of intraoperative and postoperative complications. The most frequent complication is the Schneiderian membrane perforation with a percentage of perforations between 11% and 56% according to authors. The aim of this study is to describe another membrane approach technique for the sinus lateral wall osteotomy that minimizes the risk of Schneiderian membrane perforation. We present a case of a 50 year old patient attended the University Dental Clinic (UDC) of International University of Catalonia for implant and crown treatment due to the loss of a right maxillary first molar. To insert an implant in position 1.6 a computerized tomography (CT) was requested to determine with greater accuracy the quantity of residual crestal bone. It showed a height of 5 mm and width of 8 mm. The lateral osteotomy was performed with a (SLA KIT®-Neobiotech) trephine mounted in the same implant handpiece with which the field for the implant and the implant itself were prepared. It can be concluded that in the case described, the use of trephine drills of the SLA system mounted in a handpiece allows better access to lateral approach due to its perpendicular position relative to the sinus wall minimizing the membrane perforation risk.

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