
Trichothecenes (TCT) are very common mycotoxins. While the effects of DON, the most prevalent TCT, have been extensively studied, less is known about the effect of other trichothecenes. DON has ribotoxic, pro-inflammatory, and cytotoxic potential and induces multiple toxic effects in humans and animals. Although DON is not genotoxic by itself, it has recently been shown that this toxin exacerbates the genotoxicity induced by model or bacterial genotoxins. Here, we show that five TCT, namely T-2 toxin (T-2), diacetoxyscirpenol (DAS), nivalenol (NIV), fusarenon-X (FX), and the newly discovered NX toxin, also exacerbate the DNA damage inflicted by various genotoxins. The exacerbation was dose dependent and observed with phleomycin, a model genotoxin, captan, a pesticide with genotoxic potential, and colibactin, a bacterial genotoxin produced by the intestinal microbiota. For this newly described effect, the trichothecenes ranked in the following order: T-2>DAS > FX > NIV ≥ DON ≥ NX. The genotoxic exacerbating effect of TCT correlated with their ribotoxic potential, as measured by the inhibition of protein synthesis. In conclusion, our data demonstrate that TCT, which are not genotoxic by themselves, exacerbate DNA damage induced by various genotoxins. Therefore, foodborne TCT could enhance the carcinogenic potential of genotoxins present in the diet or produced by intestinal bacteria.

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