
An effective and safe formulation of sustained-release rhGH for two months using poly(monomethoxypolyethylene glycol-co-D,L-lactide) (mPEG-PLA, PELA) microspheres was developed to reduce the frequency of medication. The rhGH-loaded PELA microspheres with a narrow size distribution were successfully prepared by a double emulsion method combined with a premix membrane emulsification technique without any exogenous stabilizing excipients. The narrow size distribution of the microspheres would guarantee repeatable productivity and release behavior. Moreover, the amphiphilic PELA improved the bioactivity retention of protein drugs since it prevented protein contact with the oil/water interface and the hydrophobic network, and modulated diffusion of acidic degradation products from the carrier system. These PELA microspheres were compared in vivo with commercial rhGH solution, conventional poly(D,L-lactic acid) (PLA) and poly(D,L-lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) microspheres. Administration of rhGH-PELA could extend the duration of rhGH release (for up to 56 days) and increase area under the curve (AUC) compared to rhGH solution, PLA or PLGA microspheres in Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. In addition, rhGH-PELA microspheres induced a greater response in total insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) than other rhGH formulations. With a hypophysectomized SD rat model, the pharmacological efficacy of rhGH-PELA microspheres was shown to be better than that from daily administration of rhGH solutions over 6 days based on body weight gain and width of the tibial growth plate. Histological examination of the injection sites indicated a significantly milder inflammatory response than that observed after injection of PLA and PLGA microspheres. Neither anti-rhGH antibodies nor the toxic effects on heart, liver and kidney were detectable after administration of rhGH-PELA microspheres in SD rats. These results suggest that rhGH-PELA microspheres have the potential to be clinically effective and safe when administered only once every two months, a dose regimen for better patient acceptance and compliance.

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