
Deaf Culture is important for deaf community as it is everywhere in the world. Deaf people are using Visual language (Sign language) for communicating. There are around 300 different types of sign languages are available in the globe like British Sign Language, Indonesian Sign Language, American sign language, etc. Each sign language has its own syntax and semantics. Some sign languages are using one hand gesture, some are using two hand gesture as they have their own rules for communication. There is a need of one standard form of sign language so it will be easier to understand. There are so many challenges and problems are facing by deaf community. Different sign languages are provided different solutions for speech to sign language and sign language to speech conversion. As there is no solution is provided by anyone for Gujarati Sign Language, we proposed a one communication model for Speech to Sign language. Speech will be recognized and convert into text, text will give the HamNoSys Notation (Sign language Notation) from a database and then it converts in SiGML format and then it display a sign animation (Avatar). That model will be helpful to Gujarat region deaf and dumb people for communicating with normal people.

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