
Despite the inherent stability of Quadratic Approximation based Jaya (JaQA) in solving constrained optimization problems, its effectiveness in exploring the search space is limited. Furthermore, the user-defined penalty parameter utilized to mitigate constraint violation poses another impediment to the efficiency of JaQA. In light of these drawbacks, this paper introduces a new meta-heuristic algorithm, namely Self-adaptive Multi-population Quadratic Approximation guided Jaya (SMP-JaQA). The three additional key features of the SMP-JaQA over JaQA are (i) the inclusion of a multi-population technique to ensure sufficient diversity in the search process (to address the exploration), (ii) a self-adaptation strategy to make it more user-friendly for complex problems in various domains (to address the exploration further), and (iii) a dynamic penalty factor (to automate the penalty parameter). These novel changes help strike a balance between exploration and exploitation too by identifying potential areas in the search space and reduces the likelihood of getting stuck in a local optima. The validity of SMP-JaQA is tested over 18 and 28 benchmark functions of varying dimensions from the CEC-2010 and CEC-2017 test suites, respectively. In order to justify the wide applicability of the proposed algorithm, a set of four real-life constrained problems (includes two mechanical design problems, an electronics design problem and an agricultural problem) are being solved through SMP-JaQA. A thorough analysis of computational outcomes, exploration–exploitation phases, and scalability are presented to shed light on the efficacy and stability levels of SMP-JaQA. The results are compared with those of other state-of-the-art meta-heuristics using Friedman's and Wilcoxon Signed-Rank tests. The outcomes indicate that SMP-JaQA produces reasonable solutions in terms of global optimality and solution quality.

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