
We outline a scheme for entanglement swapping based on cavity QED as well as quasi-Bell state measurement (quasi-BSM) methods. The atom–field interaction in the cavity QED method is performed in small and large detuning regimes. We assume two atoms are initially entangled together and, distinctly two cavities are prepared in an entangled coherent–coherent state. In this scheme, we want to transform entanglement to the atom-field system. It is observed that, the fidelities of the swapped entangled state in the quasi-BSM method can be compatible with those obtained in the small and large detuning regimes in the cavity QED method (the condition of this compatibility will be discussed). In addition, in the large detuning regime, the swapped entangled state is obtained by detecting and quasi-BSM approaches. In the continuation, by making use of the atom–field entangled state obtained in both approaches in a large detuning regime, we show that the atomic as well as field states teleportation with complete fidelity can be achieved.

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