
Resveratrol is a dietary compound that has been widely reported for its anticancer activities. However, successful extrapolation of its effects to pre-clinical studies is met with limited success due to inadequate bioavailability. We investigated the potential of combination therapy to improve the efficacy of resveratrol in a more physiologically relevant dose range. The effect of resveratrol on canonical Wnt signaling was evaluated by Western blotting. Wnt modulators HLY78 (activator) and salinomycin (inhibitor) were evaluated in combination with resveratrol for their effect on breast cancer cell viability (MTT assay), cell cycle progression and apoptosis (Western blotting). Bliss independency model was used to evaluate combinatorial effects of resveratrol-salinomycin combination. Resveratrol downregulated canonical Wnt signaling proteins in treated breast cancer cells (MCF-7, MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-468) in the dose range of 50-200μM, which also affected cellular viability. However, at very low doses (0-50μM), resveratrol exhibited no cellular toxicity. Co-treatment with salinomycin significantly potentiated the anti-cancer effects of resveratrol, whereas HLY78 co-treatment had minimal effect. Bliss independency model revealed that Wnt inhibition synergistically potentiates the effects of resveratrol in MCF-7 and BT474 cells. Significantly downregulated canonical Wnt signaling proteins and marker of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), vimentin were observed in cells treated with resveratrol-salinomycin combination. Cell cycle arrest, caspase activation and apoptosis induction in cells treated with resveratrol-salinomycin combination further confirmed the efficacy of the combination. We report a novel resveratrol-salinomycin combination for targeting ER-positive breast cancer cells and present evidence for successful pre-clinical implementation of resveratrol.

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