
The recent widespread application of Cre/loxP technology has resulted in a new generation of conditional animal models that can better recapitulate many salient features of human disease. These models benefit from the ability to monitor the expression and functionality of Cre protein. We have generated a conditional (Cre/loxP dependent) LacZ reporter rat (termed the LacZ541 rat) to monitor Cre in transgenic rats. When LacZ541 rats were bred with another transgenic rat line expressing Cre recombinase under the control of the CAG promoter, LacZ/Cre double transgenic embryos displayed ubiquitous expression of LacZ, and when LacZ541 rats were bred with transgenic rats expressing Cre/loxP-dependent oncogenic H- or K-ras, LacZ was expressed in the lesions resulting from the activation of the oncogene. The LacZ541 rat enables evaluation of the performance of Cre-expressing systems which are based upon transgenic rats or somatic gene transfer vectors and provides efficient and simple lineage marking.

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