
Recombinant FVIIa (rFVIIa) is widely used to manage bleeding risk during and after surgery in patients with haemophilia complicated by inhibitors. In the postoperative period, rFVIIa must be delivered frequently and regularly to maintain haemostasis, considering its short half-life. Preparation and manual administration of bolus doses of rFVIIa at regular intervals may place a strain on available nursing resources. A programmable mini-pump may offer an approach to facilitate regular administration of bolus doses of rFVIIa at specified intervals. To investigate if a mini-pump is a practical and effective way to deliver rFVIIa in the postoperative period. It was first necessary to establish that rFVIIa remains stable and sterile in the mini-pump reservoir for an extended period. Four days after loading the mini-pump under sterile conditions no evidence of bacterial or fungal growth was observed and in vitro procoagulant activity of rFVIIa remained stable. The mini-pump was used to deliver rFVIIa as bolus doses to two patients with inhibitors who had undergone surgery. Nurses were asked to report their satisfaction with the use of the mini-pump using a specific questionnaire. Haemostasis was evaluated as excellent in both cases; nurses were satisfied with use of the mini-pump. This pilot study shows that intermittent delivery of rFVIIa at fixed intervals using an automated mini-pump offers accurate and reliable administration in the postoperative setting. This approach may reduce burden on nursing staff, potentially minimize the risk of human error and avoid delay in administration of rFVIIa.

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