
POU domain proteins have been implicated in the regulation of a number of lineage-specific genes. Among the first POU domain proteins described were the immunoglobulin octamer-binding proteins Oct-1 and Oct-2. It was therefore of special interest when we identified a novel lymphoid POU domain protein in Southwestern (DNA-protein) screens of T-cell lambda gt11 libraries. This novel POU protein, TCF beta 1, binds in a sequence-specific manner to a critical motif in the T-cell receptor (TCR) beta enhancer. Sequence analysis revealed that TCF beta 1 represents a new class of POU domain proteins which are distantly related to other POU proteins. TCF beta 1 is encoded by multiple exons whose organization is distinct from that of other POU domain proteins. The expression of TCF beta 1 in a tissue-restricted manner and its ability to bind to multiple motifs in the TCR beta enhancer support a role in regulating TCR beta gene expression. The expression of TCF beta 1 in both B and T cells and the ability of recombinant TCF beta 1 to bind octamer and octamer-related motifs suggest that TCF beta 1 has additional roles in lymphoid cell function. The ability of TCF beta 1 to transactivate in a sequence-specific manner is consistent with a role for regulating lymphoid gene expression.

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