
Abstract Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS), formerly known as testicular feminization, is an X-linked recessive condition resulting in a failure of normal masculinization of the external genitalia in chromosomally male individuals. The basic etiology of androgen insensitivity syndrome is a loss-of-function mutation in the androgen receptor (AR) gene. Loss of AR function means that, despite normal levels of androgen synthesis, the typical postreceptor events that mediate the effects of hormones on tissues do not occur. This results in the phenotype of prenatal undervirilization of external genitalia, absence of pubic and axillary hair, lack of acne, and absence of voice changes at puberty We present This baby reffered at age of 2 months from pediatric surgery as a case of bilateral inguinal hernia and chromosomes 46xy. Phenotypically female no male structures no phallus and single opening and visible labia, both test are in the inguinal canals. HCG stimulation test shows: Testosterone: the level at (0) time: 0.8 nmol/l then 3 days: 31.4 nmol/l. DHT dihydrotetostrerone: the level at (0) time: 13 NG/L then 3 days: 485 The baby was given 3 doses of Testosterone injections 150mg but no response at the genetalia. Radiological investigations shows ultrasound both tests at the inguinal canals and no uterus Also MRI of pelvis shows absence of uterus and both test at the inguinal canals Molecular genetics analysis for Androgen receptor gene: Exon 7 c.2512 G >A hem. P.Glu838lys missense, novel VUS,likely pathogenic. The segregations analysis test in the process. Her we present a novel mutation of the AR gene not reported yet in literature.

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