
Model-based testing relies on a model of the system under test. FineFit is a framework for model-based testing of Java programs. In the FineFit approach, the model is expressed by a set of tables based on Parnas tables. A software product line is a family of programs (the products) with well-defined commonalities and variabilities that are developed by (re)using common artifacts. In this paper, we address the issue of using the FineFit approach to support the development of correct software product lines. We specify a software product line as a specification product line where each product is a FineFit specification of the corresponding software product. The main challenge is to concisely specify the software product line while retaining the readability of the specification of a single system. To address this, we used delta-oriented programming, a recently proposed flexible approach for implementing software product lines, and developed: (1) delta tables as a means to apply the delta-oriented programming idea to the specification of software product lines; and (2) DeltaFineFit as a novel model-based testing approach for software product lines.

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