
The advantage of spatial domain image steganography techniques is their capacity to embed high payloads of data by directly modifying image pixels. While these techniques have a high-embedding capacity, they often create visual and statistical distortion in smoother regions. Most existing edge steganography techniques divide an image into blocks and insert data by processing the blocks in a linear order, but these method also has multiple drawbacks. First, if the selected block has an insufficient number of edge pixels, it may result in multiple blocks being processed. Second, at high embedding rates, the method creates severe distortion as multiple message bits are hidden in edge pixels and surrounding non-edge pixels without analyzing the statistical dependencies and correlation of pixels, compromising data security. The aim of the proposed method is to construct a Block-wise Edge Adaptive Steganography Scheme (BEASS) using textured regions, particularly edges and surrounding pixels. This scheme dynamically chooses the region to embed messages using a local complexity measure of Standard Deviation. It offers high payload, minimal distortion embedding by hiding three message bits into edge pixels using the minimal Mean Square Error to determine the embedding capacity of neighboring non-edge pixels within the block to preserve the statistical dependencies. The practical merit of this approach was validated and compared with existing algorithms, and experimental results find that the proposed method surpasses IQM tests, achieves a high PSNR of61 $\sim $ 65, proves to be robust against kurtosis and skewness distortion, resists histogram attack, RS steganalysis and high dimensional ensemble classifier at 80% block modifications.

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