
This paper explores a novel methodology of magnetic abrasive finishing (MAF) process via a multi-axis/multi-faceted polishing technique to achieve a high surface accuracy of artificial hip joint component such as femoral head used in the field of biomedical engineering. In this process, movement actions are adapted to multiple axes on X, Y, Z, and A directions in the MAF process. Movement of eco-friendly polishing media was driven by magnetic poles on X and Y directions. These eco-friendly polishing media strongly acted against the rotational/vibrational surface of femoral head, creating a multi-faceted polishing of femoral head. Results showed that a novel methodology based on the multi-axis/multi-faceted polishing technique could achieve an ultra-fine and smooth surface polishing of femoral head within a short polishing time of 12 min without causing defects on the surface of a femoral head sample. An average surface roughness value (Sa) of femoral head was successfully improved from 0.301 μm to 0.044 μm. The average improvement in percentage change in Sa of femoral head as 85.38 % was achieved, resulting in the ultra-smooth surface polish on the femoral head surface. Results of this study validated the capability of a novel methodology of MAF process as an efficient and effective technique to achieve an ultra-smooth surface polish for medical components with advantages for biomaterials and biomedical engineering industry.

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