
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a large number of the world’s cities to establish quarantines. Much has been said about the environmental impacts of the confinement; however, very little data have been collected related to household waste generation and composition. In this study, the authors propose a novel methodology for the characterization of household waste without having to leave home, by using virtual training and completing forms. The results of the evaluation carried out in late September 2020 in three districts in the Arequipa province, Peru (Districts A, B and C) are presented. A total of 246 people participated in a survey on waste generation and segregation habits, and 44 people participated in the waste characterization study. Taking into account the error of the study, it can only be stated with certainty that waste generation decreased only in District B. The percentage of organic waste declined in Districts A and B, and increased in District C. Composition of hazardous and sanitary wastes increased significantly in all three districts. Each household generated an average of two to four masks and one pair of gloves per week.

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