
Water saturation in shaly reservoirs is a difficult task due to the heterogeneity nature of shale and the way the shale distributed in the reservoirs. So, many scientists proposed several models for water saturation in shaly sandstone reservoirs. So far, the most reliable techniques depend on identification of shale habitat qualitatively to apply suitable water saturation model, these techniques can lead to inaccurate identification of shale habitat, especially when dealing with a mixture of different shale modes and massive superimpose well logging data, and hence drastically erroneous values of water saturation and hydrocarbon reserves. Well logs and routine core analysis from two main fields in Egypt. The North Sinai and the Gulf of Suez fields are used for this study to evaluate the novel proposed method. Unlike other qualitative methods, a new robust method has been introduced to determine accurate volumes of shale distribution types. This volumetric method checked for validation and accuracy using Thomas-Stieber crossplot, the results show good and a reliable degree of accuracy. Consequently, appropriate water saturation models can apply accurately. While the dispersed shale model is adequate to estimate water saturation in dispersed shale reservoirs, water saturations for laminated shaly sand reservoirs are more complicated. So, a new approach and algorithms have been introduced to evaluate water saturation in these complex problematic reservoirs specifically in the absence of triaxial induction resistivity measurements. Furthermore, to prove the superiority of this novel method over traditional techniques, a comparative study and statistical analysis performed between the new water saturation method and conventional techniques by using InetillLog software © 2015. These comparisons and statistics show a remarkable discrepancy and variance in values between conventional methods and the new method, where water saturation values obtained from conventional methods for two fields are drastically lower than the new method. This can lead to erroneous water saturation and hydrocarbon estimations. Water saturations derived from the new method were in perfect agreement with the corresponding water saturations from cores data. Moreover, scatter diagrams between water saturation from novel method and that from core analysis obtained correlation coefficient (R2) values of 0.82, 0.85, for the North Sinai and the Gulf of Suez fields, respectively, indicating strong linear relationships. Furthermore, this new method is taken care of one of several pitfalls of LSSA interpretation method. So, this novel method adds a valuable improvement in water saturation, the assessment of hydrocarbon saturation in shaly reservoirs, continuous Net To Gross (NTG) calculations, net pay detection, reservoir simulation, and reserve estimation.

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