
In this study, a novel method stress wave strengthening (SWS) process based on electromagnetic force was proposed to improve the fatigue life of holed structures. Corresponding tests were carried out to explore the fatigue performance of SWS. Cold expansion (CE) was also investigated for comparison. The fatigue life of SWS and CE samples were evaluated, moreover, the mechanisms of fatigue failures and life enhancements were also discussed. Results showed that double-side SWS extended fatigue life significantly and reduced stiffness degradation more effectively with respect to CE process. Moreover, fatigue cracks commonly appeared at mid-planes of hole surfaces and horizontally grew in SWS samples, which differed a lot from CE samples. Through the residual stress measurement, it is seen that more uniform residual stress along axial direction can be obtained by SWS compared to CE, which can explain the fatigue life enhancement and failure mechanism of SWS method.

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