
Since online shopping has become so popular, credit card theft has skyrocketed. This makes it hard to spot fake charges on accounts. In this research, credit card fraud detection is performed using a fuzzy database. It has been considered a data mining challenge to reliably identify whether or not a transaction is legitimate. This paper discusses the LSTM method and fuzzy logic. The learning process was sped up and made more precise by using a technique called particle swarm optimization (PSO). Performance values have been compared with those of the LSTM and fuzzy logic techniques, and a PSO-based neural network has been intensively trained by increasing the number of iterations and the population, or number of swarms. It has been shown that the PSO-based algorithm yields the best result for detecting fraudulent transactions. The goal of this method is to lower the mean square error (MSE) rate of the system. PSO is a popular optimization technique that can be used to locate the optimal set of features for the credit card fraud detection system. The proposed method PSO shows less mean squared error compared with Fuzzy and LSTM techniques.

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