
Automated reading of license plate and its detection is a crucial component of the competent transportation system. Toll payment and parking management e-payment systems may benefit from this software’s features. License plate detection and identification algorithms abound, and each has its own set of strengths and weaknesses. Computer vision has advanced rapidly in terms of new breakthroughs and techniques thanks to the emergence and proliferation of deep learning principles across several branches of AI. The practice of automating the monitoring process in traffic management, parking management, and police surveillance has become much more effective thanks to the development of Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR). Even though license plate recognition (LPR) is a technology that is extensively utilized and has been developed, there is still a significant amount of work to be done before it can achieve its full potential. In the last several years, there have been substantial advancements in both the scientific community’s methodology and its level of efficiency. In this era of deep learning, there have been numerous developments and techniques established for LPR, and the purpose of this research is to review and examine those developments and approaches. In light of this, the authors of this study suggest a four-stage technique to automated license plate detection and identification (ALPDR), which includes, image pre-processing, license plate extraction, character segmentation, and character recognition. And the first three phases are known as “extraction,” “pre-processing,” and “segmentation,” and each of these processes has been shown to benefit from its own unique technique. In light of the fact that character recognition is an essential component of license plate identification and detection, the Convolution Neural Network (CNN), MobileNet, Inception V3, and ResNet 50 have all been put through their paces in this regard.

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