
Ships travel in waves most of the time. The horsepower increase or speed loss in waves can become large in adverse sea. Speed loss needs to be compensated for by increasing the power. Moreover, the associated speed-loss can possibly not be compensated due to the limit of installed power. This will cause delays, and may even lead to safety concerns in maneuvering. Thus, there is a need for minimizing added resistance due to both economical and safety reasons. Ships with better performance in waves even with reduced power are desired. Latest researches on advanced ship optimization are taking added resistance into account. Ship bow optimization has been the main measure to reduce added resistance in waves. Based on analyzing the working principles and potential benefit of the different kinds of novel ship bows, a novel measure is proposed to reduce the ship resistance in waves is proposed. A novel measure to reduce the ship resistance in waves of existing ships by installing a simple structure at the ship bow. The structure is designed to sharpen the ship bow and therefore reduce added resistance due to wave reflection. Thus, it is suitable for the large tankers and bulk carriers, which have blunt bows. The volume above free surface was expected to reduce ship motions and the added resistance due to ship motions consequently. This measure does not change the original ship design. It can be retrofitted on existing ships fairly easily at low cost. In order to verify the benefit due to the retrofitted structure, CFD simulations are performed in both head and oblique waves, which can take 3D effect into account. Four different retrofitted structures are designed and the numerical simulations are performed with the same numerical and mesh settings in each wave condition. The CFD simulation results confirm that the novel measure can reduce ship added resistance efficiently and it also has benefits in oblique waves.

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