
AbstractA remarkable fossil assemblage composed of five gastropod taxa is described from the Early Miocene of Santa Cruz (Patagonia, Argentina) in southernmost South America. The assemblage includes extinct and living genera South America, and on geographic distributions and represent background new information on spatial and across time distributions as well as identification of new taxa. A new taxon,Patagocharopa enigmatican. gen. n. sp., is tentatively assigned to Charopidae.Gastrocopta patagonican. sp. (Vertiginidae) represents the oldest record ofGastrocoptain Argentina and the southernmost record for the Americas.Punctum patagonicumn. sp. (Punctidae) represents the first record ofPunctumfor continental South America, and characterized by a protoconch with traces of axial costulae and a teleoconch with strong radial ribs.Zilchogyra miocenican. sp. is the first Miocene record of the charopid genusZilchogyra. Fragments of a possibleScolodonta(Scolodontidae) are recorded. Overall, the assemblage represents an important and useful paleoenvironmental tool. This fauna suggests that a more temperate and humid environment than today—with a more dense vegetation cover—was prevalent at this site during the Early Miocene.

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