
Epilepsy is characterised by the recurrence of epileptic seizures that affect secondary physiological changes in the patient. This prompts a progression of antagonistic occasions in the appearance of convulsions in an uncontrolled environment According to the World Health Organisation it affects almost 65 million people worldwide. It affects almost 1 percent of the population and most of the approximately 20–30 percent of patients with refractory epilepsy have at least one seizure for each month. A typical method to treat epileptic seizure is the utilisation of prescription. At the point when drug comes up short,medical procedure is normally the proposed yet medical procedures have been found to come up short in various cases leaving casualties with no choice than to deal with their condition. This scenario, prompt to make a system which detect epilepsy and give alert to patient’s care taker. The customary strategies of identification dependent on wired emergency clinic checking frameworks are not reasonable for the recognition of long haul observing in outside. As we know the most common symptoms of epilepsy include muscular movements variation in heartbeat rate variations in EEG etc. So to improve the customs of epilepsy patient an Epilepsy alert system with Wearable EEG device( with battery and Bluetooth) - to detect seizures by detecting sharp changes in EEG Wearable pulse contraption ( with battery and Bluetooth)- to identify unexpected changes in BP and Pulse. A normal,smart mobile with Accelerometer with GPS-to identify abrupt fall ,Application to get cautions from each of the three devices and generate alert in the form of SMS An SMS with location of the patient has to be sent to the care taker. This system makes an in-depth analysis of the main factors that an epileptic detection and monitoring tool should accomplish. Here, Introduce the architecture for a specific epilepsy detection and monitoring platform, fulfilling these factors.

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