
The security of data in an IoT network is of utmost importance. The medical IoT devices need to implement the security protocols in the devices to safeguard the crucial information. This paper proposes a novel high-speed data encryption scheme using elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) for key generation, key length reduction, Diffie–Hellman key exchange, SHA-256 and advance encryption standard (AES). The proposed hybrid data encryption scheme begins with elliptic curve key generation. Each authorized user in the broadcast range generated a private key using ECC. The proposed key reduction algorithm reduces the size of the secret key generated. This key is exchanged efficiently between the broadcast members using Diffie–Hellman key exchange. Each user then generates their final encryption keys. These keys are encoded using SHA-256 algorithm for further security. These keys are then used to encrypt the data using AES algorithm and sent to the cloud. The intended receivers can check the identity of the sender and decrypt the data using their own keys. The proposed method also includes user identity authentication. The origin of the message is verified to authenticate the sender of the message. This implementation is apt for home automation applications where data collected by medical devices like Fitbit and watches need to be shared among multiple users. The proposed method is at par in providing security to the data in much less time. The throughput, key generation time, key length, encryption time, decryption time and memory usage, Avalanche effect are efficient in comparison to existing methods.

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