
Outcome based education (OBE) is a recent development in student-centered teaching-learning model that emphases on measuring student performance through outcomes. Outcomes include knowledge, skills and attitudes suggested in Blooms taxonomy. The OBE approach encourages students to become active learners because it focusses on student attainment in comparison to teacher-centered learning approach. The level of the attainment of Course Outcomes (COs) is the indicator of the skill, knowledge and behavior that students acquired at the end of the course. In Outcome Based Education every activity performed in the class room is linked with the measurable course outcomes. In this paper, we present an effective fuzzy based approach to assess the attainment of outcomes by mapping every assessment activity performed in the class room with the Course Outcomes (CO) and eventually to Program Outcomes (PO). The attainments of outcomes by the students are also expressed as fuzzy memberships which can also be represented graphically. The entire work is based on the OBE implementation case study of Marian College Kuttikkanam, (MCK)

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