
Three novel and closely related leukocyte immune-type receptors (IpLITR) have been identified in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). These receptors belong to a large polymorphic and polygenic subset of the Ig superfamily with members located on at least three independently segregating loci. Like mammalian and avian innate immune regulatory receptors, IpLITRs have both putative inhibitory and stimulatory forms, with multiple types coexpressed in various lymphoid tissues and clonal leukocyte cell lines. IpLITRs have an unusual and novel relationship to mammalian and avian innate immune receptors: the membrane distal Ig domains of an individual IpLITR are related to fragment crystallizable receptors (FcRs) and FcR-like proteins, whereas the membrane proximal Ig domains are related to several leukocyte receptor complex encoded receptors. This unique composition of Ig domains within individual receptors supports the hypothesis that functionally and genomically distinct immune receptor families found in tetrapods may have evolved from such ancestral genes by duplication and recombination events. Furthermore, the discovery of a large heterogeneous family of immunoregulatory receptors in teleosts, reminiscent of amphibian, avian, and mammalian Ig-like receptors, suggests that complex innate immune receptor networks have been conserved during vertebrate evolution.Electronic supplementary materialSupplementary material is available for this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00251-006-0134-1 and is accessible for authorized users.

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