
For several common drawbacks of existing gaze tracking systems using single camera and single light source:Low accuracy,restricted head movement and tedious calibration,this paper presents a novel gaze tracking method based on pupil center cornea reflection (PCCR) technique.Pupil location for gaze tracking has been well investigated and all methods worked on near-infrared images.This makes the eye details small and accuracy is affected.This paper addresses these problems by proposed radial distance pupil edge filter algorithm (RDPEF) and triple-channel pseudo-color map (TCPCM).Our pupil tracker improves the accuracy of gaze feature extraction.The 2-D mapping-based gaze estimation methods have two common drawbacks.This paper addresses these problems by proposed head position compensation method and individual difference transformation model.The advantage of the proposed method based on 2-D mapping-based gaze estimation is that it can estimate the gaze of user accurately under natural head movement.Furthermore,it minimizes the calibration procedure to only one calibration point for a new individual.The proposed methods will improve the accuracy and usability of the gaze tracking using single camera and single light source,and provides an effective low-cost gaze tracking for human-computer interaction.

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