
Our current knowledge about the structure and origin of the Universe, our understanding of how the physical world around us works–all this knowledge is negligibly small, and all further efforts by scientists can only uncover a tiny piece of this mystery. In this article, the authors suggest their own interpretation of the message of God the Creator about the creation of our world in six days as described in the Bible, where all the stages in the evolution of the Universe amazingly coincide with today’s knowledge about its structure, and the prophecies are now becoming clear. Considerable attention is paid to the aspects underlying the fundamental law of nature, i.e., periodic law of properties of the chemical elements, as the discovery of a relationship between all atoms in the Universe. Attention is drawn to the fact that the Universe is arranged, both in form and in essence, in accordance with this law, and our Solar System is a prototype of the chemical elements with their nuclei and electron orbitals, whereby the formation of the Universe is a synthesis from the simple to the complex. And the highest form of matter is intelligence; the highest function of intelligence is spirituality, which is inherent in man only as the highest form of biological life; and the highest purpose of spirituality is Divinity. This is how the world is arranged; this is how matter is arranged, whose highest form is constant perfection and ongoing effort to cognize itself. Based on today’s knowledge about the structure of the Universe, the authors propose a new explanation for its structure, including our planet Earth, and an interpretation of the message of God the Creator about the creation of the world in six days (the first three are described in this work), whereby each day describes an entire geological era.

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