
The physical storage model is one of the key technologies for vehicle navigation maps used in a navigation system. However, the performance of most traditional storage models is limited in dynamic navigation due to the static storage format they use. In this paper, we proposed a new physical storage model, China Navigation Data Format (CNDF), which helped access and update the navigation data. The CNDF model used the reach-based hierarchy method to build a road hierarchal network, which enhanced the efficiency of data compression. It also adopted the Linear Link Coding method, in which the start position was combined with the end position as the identification code for multi-level links, and each link traced up-level links consistently without recording the array of identifications. The navigation map of East China (including Beijing, Tianjin, Shandong, Hebei, and Jiangsu) at 1:10,000, generated using the CNDF model, and the real time traffic information in Beijing were combined to test the performance of a navigation system using an embedded navigation device. Results showed that it cost less than 1 second each time to refresh the navigation map, and the accuracy of the hierarchal shortest-path algorithm was 99.9%. Our work implied that the CNDF model is efficient in vehicle navigation applications.


  • The physical storage format (PSF) of navigation maps is one of the key technologies for vehicle navigation systems

  • A dynamic storage model is very important for vehicle navigation applications

  • We developed a new physical storage format, China Navigation Data Format (CNDF), based on the multi-scale grid index, the reach-based hierarchy approach, and the linear link coding algorithm

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The physical storage format (PSF) of navigation maps is one of the key technologies for vehicle navigation systems. SDAL is a PSF model developed by the NAVTEQ Corporation [1] It uses the global KD-tree index to manage spatial data and topology data in a multi-scale structure. The static PSF models imply two major shortcomings that hinder their applications in dynamic vehicle navigation Their storage models are designed for read-only access mode, which does not allow for data updates. The key research content for developing dynamic PSF models is to implement the update methods for local navigation data. IInn tthhiiss sseeccttiioonn,, wwee iilllluussttrraattee tthhee kkeeyy tteecchhnnoollooggiieess uusseedd ffoorr ddeevveellooppiinngg tthhee CCNNDDFF mmooddeell,, iinncclluuddiinnggtthheepphhyysisciacal lstsrturcutcutruereofotfhtehsepsaptiaatlidalatdaa,tcao,mcopmutpinugtimngodmeol dfoerl rfoourtreoauntaelyasniasl,yasnids, tahneddathtae udpadtaautepmdaetcehmaneicshma.nism. TThheehhieierraarrcchhiiccaallmmaappppiinnggrreelalattiioonnsshhiipp bbeettwweeeennlleevveellssiissiimmpplliiccaatteeddiinntthheeLLLLCCccooddee..CCoommppaarreeddwwiitthhtthheemmeetthhooddooffssttoorriinnggrreellaattiioonnsshhiippssbbyy rreeccoorrddiinngg aallll iiddeennttiittyy nnuummbbeerr ooff lliinnkkss bbeettwweeeenn uuppppeerr aanndd lloowweerr lleevveellss,, tthhee CCNNDDFF ccaann rreedduuccee ddaattaa rreedduunnddaannccyyaannddssaavveeddisiskkssttoorraaggeebbyyuussininggLLLLCC. The data consistency after the link update can be maintained

Physical Structure of the CNDF Model
The Reach-Based Hierarchical Network
The Reach-Based Hierarchical Shortest-Path Algorithm
The Scope Evaluation of Readjustment
Fixed length field update
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