
A number of studies have found that the cross-section of stock returns reflects a risk premium for bearing downside beta; however, existing measures of downside beta have poor power for predicting returns. This paper proposes a novel measure of downside beta, the ES-implied beta, to improve the prediction of the cross-section of asset returns. The ES-implied beta explains stock returns over the same period as well as the widely used downside beta, but improves the prediction for future returns due to its high persistence. In the empirical analysis, the widely used downside beta shows a weak relation with future expected returns, but the ES-implied beta implies a statistically and economically significant risk premium of 0.6% per month and explains 0.6% of the variation in the cross-sectional returns. The effect cannot be explained by traditional cross-sectional effects and is different from the CAPM beta, the downside beta in Ang et al. (2006), coskewness, and cokurtosis.

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