
To determine whether an accessory to the Bair Hugger warming unit (BHWU), a piece of equipment intrinsic to the forward surgical team, could be designed and used to warm and to maintain large volumes of intravenous fluids at an optimal infusion temperature in an austere environment. The X-1 is a simple, collapsible, 5-gallon nylon cooler with handles, modified with a port for the BHWU hose and a one-way flutter valve vent. The warming of intravenous fluids to the optimal infusion temperature was accomplished with the BHWU and X-1. The warming time was influenced by the ambient temperature, the starting temperature of the fluids, and the number of bags being warmed. The warmed fluid could be stored and maintained in the X-1. The heat retention of the fluids was influenced by the ambient temperature, the number of bags warmed, and the insulating properties of the X-1. The BHWU can be used with the compact X-1 to warm and to store large volumes of intravenous fluids at the optimal infusion temperature in the field environment and was successfully used by a forward surgical team in Afghanistan, during Operation Enduring Freedom, for the treatment of combat-wounded soldiers.

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