
Pollution caused by Automobiles is classified as exhaust and non-exhaust emissions. While emissions control regulation has led to a substantial reduction in exhaust emissions from road traffic, currently non-exhaust emissions from road vehicles are unabated. Micro particles from brakes are emitted into the air as fine particles, lingering over busy roadways. These particles are well known to have harmful impacts on health due to their chemical compositions and size. Fine particles (PM2.5) are the main cause of reduced visibility (haze) in our treasured national parks and wilderness areas. Particles can be carried over long distances by wind and then settle on ground or water. Depending on their chemical composition, the effects of this settling may include making lakes and streams acidic changing the nutrient balance in coastal waters and large river basins depleting the nutrients in soil, damaging sensitive forests and farm crops. PM can stain and damage stone and other materials, including culturally important objects such as statues and monuments. PM emissions from electric and supposedly clean vehicles are likely to end up being a greater contributor to this type of pollution than fumes from diesel exhausts. In this project a novel design was developed to capture brake emissions from automobiles using activated bamboo charcoal. A charcoal adsorbent has been prepared by treatment with Sulfuric acid(H2SO4), Hydrochloric acid (HCl) and Phosphoric acid(H3PO4). The optimal conditions for preparation were: 12moldm3 at a ratio of 1:9 (weight of charcoal: volume acids), 25-30min reaction time at 150-160°C. Characterization includes SEM and EDX was used to identify the size, shape and element compositions of these particles on prepared sample. Comparing three samples, activated carbon by Hydrochloric acid (HCl) has greater adsorbent and it contained elements such as Carbon, Oxygen, Aluminum, Sulfur, Calcium and Barium. Hence emission particles get adsorbed by charcoal. Thus, charcoal is used to capture brake emissions from automobiles.

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