
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a global visual indicator of diabetes that leads to blindness and loss of vision. Manual testing presents a more difficult task when attempting to detect DR due to the complexity and variances of DR. Early detection and treatment prevent the diabetic patients from visual loss. Also classifying the intensity and levels of DR is crucial to provide necessary treatment. This study develops a novel deep learning (DL) approach called He Weighted Bi-directional Long Short-term Memory (HWBLSTM) with an effective transfer learning technique for detecting DR from the RFI. The collected fundus images initially undergo preprocessing to improve their quality, which includes noise removal and contrast enhancement using a Hybrid Gaussian Filter and probability density Function-based Gamma Correction (HGFPDFGC) technique. The segmentation procedure divides the image into subgroups and is crucial for accurate detection and classification. The segmentation of the study initially removes the optical disk (OD) and blood vessels (BVs) from the preprocessed images using mathematical morphological operations. Next, it segments the retinal lesions from the OD and BV removed images using the Enhanced Grasshopper Optimization-based Region Growing Algorithm (EGORGA). Then, the features from the segmented retinal lesions are learned using a Squeeze Net (SQN), and the dimensionality reduction of the extracted features is done using the Modified Singular Value Decomposition (MSVD) approach. Finally, the classification is performed by employing the HWBLSTM approach, which classifies the DR abnormalities in datasets as non-DR (NDR), non-proliferative DR (NPDR), moderate NPDR (MDNPDR), and severe DR, also known as proliferative DR (PDR). The proposed approach is implemented on APTOS as well as MESSIDOR datasets. The outcomes proved that the proposed technique accurately identifies the DR with minimal computation overhead compared to the existing approaches. Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma

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