
Data Privacy is a prime concern in 21st century. To maintain secrecy of data, many cryptographic algorithms are available. Cryptography is the science or study of the techniques of secret writing, esp. code and also figures frameworks, techniques, and so forth. Cryptography is required so content can be kept secret. Here in our proposed work we have shown a simple point reflection based cryptographic technique for security of data. The user encoded the data using point reflection technique and the receiver can decode the data by applying the process in reverse direction. The encrypted message generated using the mechanism proposed here is quite sturdy and it becomes more difficult for a person to retrieve or predict the original message from the encrypted message. We used PRNG technique by which we can get the random number and also use the LFSR technique for robustness of this technique. Experimental result shows that our method gives a high security and the accuracy during the encoding and decoding process. We narrated the algorithms and explicit formulas to demonstrate that our reflection process support high practical security in cryptographic applications.

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